AZ-900 TrainingAzure serverless computingServerless computing is a cloud-hosted execution environment that runs your code but abstracts the…Mike from AzureGuruOctober 23, 2020 1 min
AZ-900 TrainingAllocation of resources in cloud servicesScalability is the system’s ability to scale (allocate/deallocate) resources. Agility is the…Max from AzureGuruOctober 10, 2020 1 min
AZ-900 TrainingConsumption-based pricing modelThe common pricing options for Azure services are: Consumption-based price - You are charged for…Mike from AzureGuruOctober 10, 2020 1 min
AZ-900 TrainingExploring some key cloud conceptsGlobal reach: The ability to reach audiences around the globe. Cloud services can have a presence…Jeff from AzureGuruOctober 09, 2020 1 min
AZ-900 TrainingCapEx vs OpExWhat Is CapEx? CapEx is the spending of money on physical infrastructure upfront and then deducting…Reynard from AzureGuruOctober 07, 2020 1 min
AZ-900 TrainingEconomies of scaleThe concept of economies of scale is the ability to reduce costs and gain efficiency when operating…Avery from AzureGuruOctober 07, 2020 1 min